Sunday 15 July 2007

Favourite Quotes

Here are some quotes that have at some stage meant something to me:

The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are
Joseph Campbell

Be yourself, no base imitator of another, but your best self. There is something that you can do better than another. Listen to the inward voice and bravely obey that. Do the things at which you are great, not that which you were never made for
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I stand for freedom of expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your dreams

I don’t do drugs. I am drugs
Salvador Dali

Imagination is Everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.
Albert Einstein (alhtough per Wikipedia this cannot be sourced- I like to think its from him though)

Find purpose the means will follow.

My life is my message
Mahatma Gandhi

I have the same goal I've had ever since I was a girl. I want to rule the world

I wasn’t born this way. One creates oneself. I believe whatever I dream. Whatever I dream, I want to do.
Grace Jones

Be the change that you want to see in the world

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
Anais Nin

Every morning when I wake up I experience an equisite joy, the joy of being Salvador Dali and I ask myself in rapture what wonderful things is this Dali going to accomplish today.

Inspiration is all around you.

You can find inspiration in everything
Paul Smith

Let your light shine

...Why waste it, thinking about it, face it. Don't waste it, thinking about it, taste it
Grace Jones

Be a fascist with yourself.
Karl Lagerfeld

Better to live one year as a tiger, then a hundred as sheep.

The greatest thing is, at any moment, to be willing to give up who we are in order to become all we can be
Max de Pree

If you wish to be accurately represented, you must work to change anything in your life which is not fitting the
picture which you wish to project into the universe for eternity. Re-present.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result
Albert Einstein

Desire is the beginning of all creation
Neale Donald Walsh

if not us, who? If not now when? - I saw this sign up somewhere at Deutsche Bank.

A leader is a dealer in hope
Napoleon Bonaparte

You can be do have whatever you can imagine
Neale Donald Walsh

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cant see the shadows. Its what sunflowers do!
Helen Keller

Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it will be opened to you
the Bible somewhere

Let go!

Last week I was at the physiotherapist. He was manoeuvring me, which involved him lifting my leg and trying to push my knee into my chest. Its all about loosening my glutes which are apparently very tight which as a result of the domino effect causes the back pain I had been experiencing.

He would push as much as he could and then stop. I had to take a deep breath, let go and he would push further than the time before. I realised I just had to tell myself to let go. He seemed very impressed and said that I had "got it" and didn't need to come back for a while.

I did get it. A lot of the tensing is self-induced. For the next few hours I monitored my body - I realised that without realising I "tense up" certain muscles. My chest is tight as I sit by my desk and concentrate and my glutes are squeezed. Can I let this go? Yes - I take a few deep breaths and let go and see what else is not relaxed. Let go let go.. I do this until I feel relaxed but I notice tension creeps in every now and again.

When I was walking home I realised my shoulders were tense - I let these go too. I realised letting go is a full time job.

Close your eyes for a second, take a few deep breaths. Is there any part of your body that you are aware of right now? Tell yourself to let it go. Take another deep breath is there anything else - As you breath out - let it all go. Repeat until you feel at ease.

This is what stress is - tension - it’s bracing - holding on to, not letting go. Worry is also not letting go - it’s a physical response as well as a mental response. You can do the same with your mind - me thinks.

I thought lot about letting go that day - and I'm wondering now if allergies - hay fever - is perhaps an example of not letting go - of tensing - of your body bracing itself. It sure is an inappropriate response by your body - releasing histamine - to a substance that is not really harmful - e.g. grass.

When I got home I put a cd into my computer - the Sedona Method ( to load it into my ipod so I can listen to it on my way to work the next day. It turns out to be a dvd and I am forced to watch it.

Although I was initially resisting watching the presenter Hale Dwoskin has this really infectious laugh and I was giggling in no time each time he did. And there was no particular reason to.

Anyway... I really liked the ideas. I tried them and they worked.

There are a few ways to let go.

To illustrate the first one - put a pen in your hand - now clench your fist with the pen in your hand - hold it for a few seconds. this is like the emotion / feeling you are holding on to. Now open your hand, palm facing upward with the pen resting in your palm. Let the pen roll around on your hand. Now turn your hand around and let the pen drop. That is how easy it is to let go of an emotion or feeling.

To facilitate the process you ask yourself three questions:

1. Can I let this feeling / emotion go?

2. Am I willing to let this go?

3. When?

Regardless of your answers you go through the questions a number of times.

I chose an issue I have with self-confidence. When I went through the questions - my answers were Yes, Yes and NOW and I did feel lighter each time.

The other way of letting go was allowing the feeling and welcoming it: be with the feeling - allowing it to pass through you, not resisting it.

They say you can do this with any pain you have - any dis-ease. I have only scratched the surface here - theres a lot more to discover but what I have realised is:

1. You can let go physically - its a choice - try it - keep at it and
2. You can let go of feelings & emotions

There's a lot more for me to discover here and this is now my focus.

Also see my post on Love - Ho'Oponopono is about letting go and experiencing the zero state - the divine state - where there is only love.


Love IS.

Love does not think.

Love has no intention.

Love flows forth naturally.

To channel the love that is inside us, we need to take ourselves out of the equation. That is we need to let go. Let go of our programming, our memories, everything that we have learnt. Everything that separates us from love.

Love exists inside of us, it's not something we have to learn, we just have to remember. There is nothing more natural to us.
Everything other than love is not real, it is in our minds. Our natural state of love is perfect. In this state there is no disease. Healing is connecting with the divine in us, letting go of the dis-ease that we have created in our lives.

The only effort one needs to make is to let go in every moment. When you let go fully you get back to love.

When you let go and experience love, you are cleansed, you are inspired all your needs are fulfilled.

You need to let go in every moment and this is the greatest challenge for you have come a lifetime building thoughts in your mind. Any thought that separates you from love, needs to be released for you to experience love.

Ho'opopono suggests accepting responsibility for everything in your life. If you don't accept responsibility then you separate yourself from all there is. Accepting responsibility does not mean it is your fault, but you are accepting responsibility for it. If you accept responsibility for everything that shows up in your life then you have the power to do something about it.

If there is one love source and we are part of love than all of us are part of the same love. Again any separation is an illusion and in the is illusion we create fear and dis-ease.

To get back to love you need to "clean" as suggested by Ho'oponopono.

Cleaning means saying - "I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you!"

I tried doing this this week and I had some profound experiences.

- I had been angry with some friends and I have let go of my anger by accepting responsibility for what happened between us and saying "I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you!" to myself

- The experience of saying "I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you!" in every situation where I had some thoughts about someone else - for example someone walking in front of me that was in my way and walking slowly and all of the place woudl normally irritate me - but accepting responsibility I no longer separated myself from this person - I was this person stumbling around - I identified with them. This made me notice all the thoughts I had and there are so many - little thoughts, little judgments - like I dont like him or he looks really conservative - you dont even notice that you do, it but clean clean clean clean. I am that conservative man, I am that person I dont like - I see them in me and that is what is creating my reaction.

This makes me think of judgement. Judgement is separation. Separating yourself from that which you are judging. A great definition of judgement is something in yourself that you have not fully embraced yet. Judgement is what you don't want. If you think about what you don't want you attract it to you.

-This week I had a meeting with this guy at work who has been very aloof with me. I am a new joiner and he did not introduce himself. Anyway I had to meet with him and he stood me up twice. The third time he said give m e a few minutes and I'll be with you. A half an hour later I had to run off to my next meeting. This time I thought "I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you!" when I thought about it and took responsibility for it. Later that afternoon he stopped by my desk all smiles and apologised for not making the meeting. He seemed like a completely different person. Had he changed? I don't know but I certainly had.

So now I'm cleaning. You have to clean all the time. About everything.

Actually I'm totally blown away by it.

To read more about Ho'oponopono see Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More by Joe Vitale and Len, Ihaleakala Hew Ph.D